Share Your Wisdom

Wisdom of Survivors is a compassionate project dedicated to supporting victims and survivors of sexual violence through shared stories of recovery. The first step in this journey is a book, and I’m seeking people willing to share their wisdom and stories. These insights, including my own, will aim to make the healing journey easier for others.

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Sexual violence remains a taboo topic, and as long as it is, victims and survivors continue to suffer in silence. This book aims to break that silence by offering a deeply compassionate space where wisdom from those of us further along in our recovery can help others find hope and guidance.

We understand the pain, the trauma, the confusion, and the crushing of identity. Many of us have used coping strategies—working excessively, striving for perfection, or using substances to numb the hurt. While we’re not fully healed, we’ve come a long way, and we want to make the path easier for those who follow. Sadly, sexual violence remains all too prevalent, shrouded in shame and secrecy.

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This must change. As a community of victims and survivors, we can reach out to one another, offering understanding, comfort, compassion, and love. Together, we can help fill the void left by trauma with healing and support. In this way, we help each other, knowing we’re not alone on this journey. But to do this, I need your help

  • If you’ve experienced sexual violence…

  • If you’ve made progress in your recovery and have wisdom to share…

  • If you want to ease the journey for others…

    … please contact me for a confidential conversation.


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Wisdom of Survivors isn’t about me or any one person. It’s for victims and survivors to know they are not alone, that many have walked this path before them, and that there is hope for their recovery.

To bring this project into existence, I need to hear your stories.  Please contact me for a confidential conversation:

T: (+61) 0415 63 7000