About Jenny


Before sharing your most personal stories with me, you might want to know who I am and why I’m writing this book. My name is Jenny Steadman, and I’m writing this book with the hope of making the recovery from sexual violence easier for others than it was for me.


I experienced sexual violence as a child, and for many years, I quietly suppressed the horror of those incidents. But like holding balloons underwater, the pain would eventually break through—often in the form of violent nightmares. These dreams would flood me with a black cloud, a deep emotional poisoning. I would feel heavy and sick in my body until the poison worked its way out of my system.

Most people in my life wouldn’t have known. My coping mechanism was to work hard, strive for perfection, and be compliant—always beyond reproach. But after having children in my 30s, the weight of what had happened to me became too great to ignore. It’s not that I’d ever forgotten—the nightmares saw to that—but this time it felt like I was reliving it, now accompanied by a layer of seething rage. I realised I needed to seek specific therapy to face the trauma head-on. In so doing, I was supported to step into the inferno of rage and eventually move beyond to begin a form of healing.

With the renewed strength this gave me, and nearly 40 years after being raped, I reported the crimes to the police. This began a long process of investigation, charges, and, eventually, a trial in 2023, which resulted in a guilty verdict.

Today, I am in a place of calm, but I’m also deeply committed to helping prevent sexual violence and easing the suffering of those who have experienced it. That commitment led me to this project.

As well, following my treatment for breast cancer, I strongly felt the desire to make a positive difference in the world. The saying that your second life begins the moment you realise you only have one rang true for me. I made changes in my life, and I am now the Co-National Director of a global leadership development and research firm. In this capacity, I support teams and leaders in creating a more human, compassionate workplace. Alongside this, I teach meditation, and I offer support to others in their recovery from sexual violence. I do this through public speaking, writing, and other ways—all aimed at fostering hope and compassion.

In the process, I'm meeting incredible people, and together, we are shining a light on this dark topic, breaking down societal stigma, and offering support to those in need. Though we may not be fully healed, we are standing strong to show others they’re not alone and that there is hope for their recovery.

Thank you for being here.

